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Barney's Birthday Newsletter


Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd coincide my newsletter with my birthday, mainly to take my mind off how many candles there are on my cake now. Sadly the cake would need to be the size of a family SUV to fit the candles on it! However, on the upside regular yoga, a daily pint of cod liver oil and plenty of vitamin D courtesy of the Portuguese sun, mean I can still get around unaided.


Clearly conditions are changing quickly (although not in Portugal) and certainly the challenges of chipping off wet lies, does require an adjustment to your technique to garner the best results. Please click this link here to see a piece on this and a useful drill, courtesy of US Open Champion Matt Fitzpatrick.


We are now only a couple of weeks away from the shortest day and then as my dear old dad would remind me every year at this time "the light increases by a cockerel's stride each day". That stride is 2 minutes 7 seconds by the way, in case you're wondering how long that is.


Christmas is now clearly in view and if you are stuck as to what to get the golfer in your life, or when the family ask 'would you like something for your golf' good ideas I think are a new Mid or Outer layer, some nice winter shoes (I'm a fan of the snazzy Italian one's Duca del Cosma or the ever dependable Footjoy's). Or if they / you are unhappy with their game perhaps a lesson or two?


Enjoy your golf when you can and keep swinging and keep warm.

All the best


Fellow of the PGA



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