Hi Everyone,
To say how things have changed for everyone in the last few weeks would be a slight understatement. For all sporting folk this is a hugely frustrating time, however we can see by following the government guidelines, we will take the pressure off the NHS and hopefully come through the virus.
The only debate in golf is how the schedule will look when we are allowed back on the courses. Clearly for the Professional Tours regular flights will need to be in place and whether crowds will be allowed to watch will be another question. Trying to fit 4 Majors, a Ryder Cup and a revised schedule will be challenging.
The thought of clipping a nice shot on to a green and holing the subsequent putt is a good one to cling on to at the moment. Come to think of it, scuffing one into the undergrowth and searching around for it blindly sounds like fun right about now!
In my last news letter, I was talking about golfing activity we could engage in whilst the courses were closed due to rain. Little did I think we would be using those ideas now!
Keeping fit is important and I'm enjoying my daily walk more than ever. Clearly there are hundreds of keep fit ideas online, Jennie and I have been attempting the Joe Wicks version on YouTube. He delivers the ensuing pain, that we buy into, with energy and charm and as long as you chant "This must be doing us good" five times after the session, you'll believe it.
Taking a lesson is trickier, however if any of you fancy doing a swing in the garden and sending it over to me, I will happily give you some thoughts. Just let me know recent tendencies etc and I will happily look at a swing, a chip or a putt. Ideally if you can do one face on and one down the line.
With trying to keep your game going in mind, I have started to put a few videos together on my fledgling YouTube Channel to help you. I am going to try and do two or three a week so please subscribe and you will be notified when Mrs P posts them.
The first one is a few drills to keep your golfing muscles going - Video here
The second one is to help improve your chipping technique - Video here
The final one this week is Chipping Targets - Video here
This period will certainly teach us all the meaning of patience, which we can all use when we next play. I'm not sure there is a sport quite like golf for testing our patience, so perhaps read something in the layoff by the masters of golf performance, Bob Rotella and Karl Morris.
Our sport watching is now reruns of events from the past. Now as we all know the aging process does mean we are a little more forgetful, a skill when watching old sport is mighty helpful as I can't remember who won! I watched a football match between Man U and Wolves with wonder (I only remember Watford results, sadly) and who knew Molinari won The Open :-)
Take care and I as I said above I will post a few more videos next week and onward. If you have any golfing questions (not rules though!) I'm happy to discuss them. Email or a postcard is fine!
I wish you and your families all the best during this uncertain time.
All the best
Fellow of the PGA